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Type: AD

200 verbal, 100 numerical, 100 abstract


Type: AD

400 verbal, 200 numerical, 200 abstract


Type: AD

800 verbal, 400 numerical, 400 abstract


Type: AST

200 verbal, 100 numerical, 100 abstract


Type: AST

400 verbal, 200 numerical, 200 abstract


Type: AST

800 verbal, 400 numerical, 400 abstract


Type: CAST

200 verbal, 100 numerical, 100 abstract


Type: CAST

400 verbal, 200 numerical, 200 abstract


Type: CAST

800 verbal, 400 numerical, 400 abstract


Type: EUknow

100 EUknowledge


Type: EUknow

300 EUknowledge


Type: EUknow

600 EUknowledge

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Marco from Spain

Marco from Spain

AD7 Administrator in ICT

EU Knowledge played a key role in helping me in the EPSO AD5 Administrator competition for ICT Infrastructure. The package price is cheaper than competitors, and the quality is great!

Nadia from Germany

Nadia from Germany

AST Assistant in Digital Workplace, Office Automation, and Mobile Computing

EU Knowledge was a game-changer in my preparation for the EPSO AST4 competition. The focused practice on Numerical, Verbal, and Abstract Reasoning made all the difference. Highly recommended!

Lucas from Belgium

Lucas from Belgium

Project/Programme Management (CAST Permanent)

“EU Knowledge was essential in helping me pass the CAST Permanent competition in Project and Programme Management. Thanks to EU Knowledge, I passed the test and secured my EU role.”

Ana from France

Ana from France

Internal Competition (AST2)

“EU Knowledge was essential in my success in the European Commission’s Internal Competition for AST2."